How Fast Is the FASTEST Pig on Record? (Really Quite Fast!)

How Fast Is the FASTEST Pig on Record

Are you the type of person who gets caught up in all those offbeat world records that make you think, "Who comes up with this stuff?"

Don't worry, you're not alone 😊.

But what if I told you there's one record you might actually be curious about...

Let's find out.

The Records for the Fastest Pig Ever

Now, let me give you the inside scoop.

I bet you're curious about the fastest pig ever, right?

Well, here's the deal.

Wild boars, my friend, are the kings of speed in the pig world.

These bad boys can hit speeds of up to 48.28 km/h or 30 mph... 😮

Trust me, that's like a bolt of lightning blazing through the forest.

Imagine trying to catch one of those suckers, good luck to you!

On the flip side, domesticated pigs don't have the need for speed like their wild counterparts.

They max out at a slower pace of around 19.31 km/h or 12 mph.

It's not too shabby, but definitely no match for the wild ones.

But hold on, there's more!

We gotta talk about some other piggy relatives.

Take warthogs, for instance, they're considered least concern when it comes to population, but they still face threats. And watch your back with javelinas because these little dudes can attack in packs and cause some serious damage.

Oh, and you know that saying slicker than a greased pig?

Turns out, catching greased pigs was all the rage back in the day.

People would rub them down with grease and then try to catch 'em.

Let me tell you, it was as slippery as an eel covered in butter.

Here's a neat factoid for you:

Wild boars were actually hunted to extinction in many places.

Thankfully, conservation efforts have brought them back from the edge.

So, that's the lowdown on pig speed.

Just be grateful you won't have to outrun a wild boar anytime soon.

Stick to jogging with your domestic pig if you want a nice and easy run.

But did you ever wonder how pig speed is influenced by selective breeding?

Or what sets peccaries apart from wild pigs?

Let me enlighten you with some fascinating insights!

Selective Breeding and the Impact on Pig Speed

You can change pig speed through selective breeding practices.

Here's what you need to know:

  1. Selective breeding is when you choose and mate pigs that have the traits you want in their offspring.
  2. Breeders often pick pigs with traits like lots of muscles, lean meat, and efficient utilization of food for energy.
  3. These chosen traits directly affect how fast pigs can go, making them quicker than wild pigs.
  4. By selectively breeding for speed, breeders can create special breeds of racing pigs that are specifically bred for competitive pig races.
  5. You should note that not all pigs are fit for racing. Some races require specific physical attributes or agility, so breeders focus on developing those traits through selective breeding.
  6. Selective breeding can also impact pig behavior because certain temperament and trainability traits are linked to increased speed.
  7. However, you should do selective breeding responsibly and ethically to ensure the well-being and health of the pigs.
  8. Through careful selection and ongoing genetic improvement, pig breeders are constantly enhancing pig speed for different purposes, including racing and agricultural productivity.

Pig breeders have the ability to influence pig speed and performance through the implementation of selective breeding methods.

You may be wondering how the traits and behaviors of pigs relate to their ability to coexist with other animals, such as cats.

Well, I have written an insightful blog post titled "Do Pigs and Cats Get Along," where I explore whether these two species can peacefully live together as pets.

What Factors Affect Pig Speed?

If you want to know what factors make a pig speedy, here are 11 things to consider:

  1. Diet: A good diet makes pigs run faster.
  2. Exercise routine: Regular exercise boosts agility and speed in pigs.
  3. Pigs are faster than humans: These animals are remarkably quick and nimble.
  4. Escaping skills: Pigs can swiftly get away from danger and hide.
  5. Domestic pigs' top speed: Domestic pigs can go up to 11 miles per hour.
  6. Wild boars' top speed: Wild boars can even surpass that with a maximum speed of 15 mph.
  7. Size matters: Bigger pigs tend to be slower, while smaller ones are quicker.
  8. Weight factor: Overweight pigs are generally slower than lean ones.
  9. Age counts: Younger pigs are usually faster than older ones.
  10. Terrain check: The type of ground affects how fast a pig can run.
  11. Fit or not: Fit pigs are generally better runners.

In addition, some interesting points on pig speed include the separation of dogs and pigs, the popularity of pig racing, the decline of greased pig catching due to safety concerns, the distance pigs can cover, and the curious idea of whether a pig can devour a person in just eight minutes.

By understanding how diet and exercise impact pig speed, you can learn how to optimize their health and athleticism.

How to Measure Pig Speed

Different ways to measure pig speed

If you're curious about measuring how fast a pig can go, it can be quite challenging.

Pigs have this interesting habit of not running in a straight line like sprinters on a track.

They tend to zigzag and go all over the place instead.

But don't worry, there are a few techniques and tools you can use to get an accurate measurement.

Using radar guns or timing gates for precision

One option you have is using fancy devices called radar guns or timing gates.

These nifty gadgets are specifically designed to measure the speed of moving objects.

Setting them up at the start and finish lines, you can watch your pig zoom through. The concept is pretty simple:

You record the time it takes for the pig to cover a known distance and then calculate its average speed based on that.

It's like tracking a piggy runner in a race!

Having patience and adaptability when measuring pig speed

Now, let me share something important with you. Pigs are incredibly agile creatures!

So, measuring their speed is not always a walk in the park.

You need to have plenty of patience and be prepared to adapt.

Obtaining a precise estimation might require observing the pig's movements from different angles and distances.

Patience is key when dealing with these wiggly animals.

At first, they might not cooperate or follow your perfect plan.

But hey, that's part of the fun!

Training Techniques for Fast Pigs

Speed in pigs can be improved through specific exercises and training methods. You can enhance a pig's speed with sprint intervals and hurdle training, making them faster than before. When training fast pigs, it's better to conserve your energy by not chasing them.

Instead, wait for them to tire out on their own.

This way, you save yourself from exhaustion while still achieving results. Moreover, certain pigs can even be trained to navigate short race courses successfully.

With proper training techniques, these pigs can become skilled racers in no time.

So, why not give it a try?


  1. Wild boars can reach speeds of up to 48.28 km/h or 30 mph.
  2. Domesticated pigs can run at a maximum speed of 19.31 km/h or 12 mph.
  3. Warthogs are considered Least Concern in terms of population.
  4. Javelinas can attack in groups and cause mortal wounds.
  5. Greased pig catching contests popularized the saying slicker than a greased pig.
  6. Wild boars were hunted to extinction in many areas.
  7. Domestic pigs typically run at an average speed of 7-8 miles per hour.
  8. Pigs can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans.
  9. Javelinas exhibit social behavior and can become protective of their young.
  10. Pigs possess remarkable speed and agility.
  11. Factors such as size, weight, age, surface conditions, and fitness levels influence a pig's running speed.
  12. It is advised to keep dogs and pigs separate due to difficulties in their relationship.
  13. Pig racing is gaining popularity.
  14. Potbellied pigs can be housebroken faster than many dogs.
  15. Pig speed is tough to measure accurately.

And that's all for today folks.

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Until next time,

-Chris Campbell

Chris Campbell

Hey there, I'm Chris Campbell, the mastermind behind "Pig Enthusiast." I'm your friendly source for all things mini pet pig-related. From snout to tail, I share insights on health, care, nutrition, and the quirky world of piggy behavior. Sound good? Then stick around, you'll love it here! 🐷